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Fueling Innovation Across Industries

Finance, accounting, and grant management support across key sectors.

Identifying and Vetting Government Funding Opportunities

Finding the best grant and opportunities for your business can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. That's where Ibex steps in. We dig deep to pinpoint the opportunities that align with your innovation, ensuring your business has the best opportunity for a successful proposal.

Proposal Preparation

At Ibex, we are passionate about seeing your innovative ideas reach their full potential, and non-dilutive grant funding is a great way to make that happen. With our expertise in proposal preparation, we're here to walk you through each step of putting together an engaging proposal to maximize your chances of securing a grant.

Proposal Reviews

We dive deep into your proposal, review every detail, and provide clear and specific guidance on what you need to improve in your proposal to maximize your chances of receiving the grant you’re looking for.


In the world of grant management, having a solid, strategic budget is critical. That’s why we specialize in developing precise budgets that ensure you manage your project finances effectively while meeting grant requirements.

Pre-award and Indirect Rate Negotiations

Navigating pre-award negotiatons, including preparing indirect rate proposals can be a stressful and confusing process. Our expert financial and operations teams make sure you have the backup documentation needed to get from pre-award selection to a signed award letter as quickly as possible.

Post-award management

We ensure timelines, budgets, invoicing, and financial reporting are on track and accurate. This critical service is key to maintaining your grant funding and ensuring financial transparency, laying the groundwork for a trustworthy relationship with grant and contract officers.

Our Process

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Discovery call

During this initial in-depth discussion, we'll work together to outline your startup's current challenges, needs, and objectives.


Shortly after the scope call, you'll receive a custom proposal that outlines strategic solutions, services, and a detailed action plan.


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Get Started

This is where the fun begins. It’s a lot like personal training. It’s going to be painful at first, and we’re going to make you do stuff you don’t want to do, but you’ll build great habits and you’re gonna love the results.

Ready to reach new heights?

Learn how you can maximize your grant funding opportunities with Ibex.

Schedule Discovery Call